Hey family!
How were the memorial day games? This year Jasmine and I decided to see whocould have a SICKEST contest.
Jasmine came in 1st with a whopping C-Section recovery, and Gall bladderremoval.
Phoenix came in 2nd with a sympathy vote for ultra congested, snotty,hard-to-breath, mucusy cold.
Nick came in 3rd with a 2week long sore throat and mild cold.
And unfortunately Isis wasn't participating very well this year, he came downwith a cold, but decided to throw the competition by recovering REALLY Well (after having some steroids, and antibiotics)
We hope you had a really fun time (the pictures Brigitte sent made it look likea blast) I wish we were there to join in! Thanks for the photos Brig!
Attached are some recent photos of Phoenix for you guys, she is starting to stay awake more often, and Jaz and I even get a few smiles now and again!
Love you all,
Nick Barfuss
Web Support Officer
Department of Education and Training
151 Royal St
East Perth, WA 6004
Telephone 08 9264 4137
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