June 30, 2006

Memorial Day Photos (Finally)

Today I applied for Unemployment Benifits...another new experience for me. I am trying to get a part-time job here until we move and in Idaho falls for after we move. The small amount of money I'll receive from unemployment may help with moving expenses. Here are some photos that were taken while we were in Utah for memorial day games.

1. Ricks's parents and siblings & spouses
2. Dan & Rick
3. Jim & Kaye and Pat
4. Sally's family
5. Max's family
6. 19th Annual Barfuss Memorial Day Games

June 29, 2006

Last day on the job/ Voice from the past

Today is my last day at work for Professional Deck Builder magazine. The business was sold to a large company called Handley-Wood and the offices are moving to their locations. The four of us (including boss & wife) are moving on. Me to Idaho Falls, Maura Jacob will do free-lance work for magazines from her home. Diann Dempsey is going back to homemaking & gardening and Terry Dempsey hasn't said what he is going to do yet. I have very mixed feeling about this because it is the first job I have been "let go" from and because I will miss my association with such good people.

Yesterday I got an email at my work email address from a long lost friend...Here is what she wrote...
I am trying to locate an old friend of mine from Sandpoint, Idaho. Is this the former Patty Baugh I know? This is Jackie Surber Whitney who has not seen my friend Patty since 1968. I was just thinking of people who have been in my life and you are someone I have thought of and wondered about often. Let me know if I am on the right track and hopefully we can catch up on our lives and the events and people in them.
Jackie Whitney

Of course I emailed her back and will call her and catch up on the past. She was my best friend during the 6,7,8, grades. Then she moved to the Seattle, Washington area. I'll tell more later. Here is the only photo I have of her, from the 8th grade(?)

June 28, 2006

Leave Handprints!

As we are nearing our move to a new place, I wonder..."What will I take with me and what did I leave behind?" I will take with me the faces and love of many friends and acquaintences. I hope I leave love and faith behind. Here is a poem I wrote for a person who is always asking why I look so young. I gave it to this person along with a Book of Mormon and my written testimony. I am grateful for ALL that I have been blessed with while living here in the Snellville Georgia area.

June 22, 2006

Tacy Avery is getting married

This news is just in from my sister, Margaret:

June 18, 2006

Lily is 4 years old now!

Thank you for lily's present. It is absolutley perfect!!!! I mean what a find! Thank you so much. I am including some pictures for you. She loves all the dress up things you got her. It really is the best present for her thank you! Love, Sally

June 14, 2006

We are moving back to the West

For more photos go to www.quickhometour.com and look at # 9217

Family & Friends,
Rick has accepted a job with YOST BUSINESS SYSTEMS. He begins on August 1st. We have our home up for sale and are busy doing some little repairs and touch painting so the house is in "tip-top" condition. It is a lovely home and I will miss the light airy feeling we have here. However, being close to our family is our motivation for moving and we are both excited about being back in the West. Here are some photos we took of our home when we first moved in. Oh, my job ends June 30th so I'll be packing things up during the month of July. It is a busy time for us so I may and may not add any new posts for awhile...So until next time...Adieu, I love you! Pat

June 09, 2006

Nick's family Memorial Day news!

Hey family!
How were the memorial day games? This year Jasmine and I decided to see whocould have a SICKEST contest.
Jasmine came in 1st with a whopping C-Section recovery, and Gall bladderremoval.
Phoenix came in 2nd with a sympathy vote for ultra congested, snotty,hard-to-breath, mucusy cold.
Nick came in 3rd with a 2week long sore throat and mild cold.
And unfortunately Isis wasn't participating very well this year, he came downwith a cold, but decided to throw the competition by recovering REALLY Well (after having some steroids, and antibiotics)
We hope you had a really fun time (the pictures Brigitte sent made it look likea blast) I wish we were there to join in! Thanks for the photos Brig!
Attached are some recent photos of Phoenix for you guys, she is starting to stay awake more often, and Jaz and I even get a few smiles now and again!
Love you all,
Nick Barfuss
Web Support Officer
Department of Education and Training
151 Royal St
East Perth, WA 6004
Telephone 08 9264 4137

June 05, 2006

Two more Grads!

D.J. Farnsworth and Harley Christensen graduate this year! Look how sharp they both look! Way to go guys, I are proud of you and hope to hear what your plans are for the future-drop me a note or add comment to this blog.