Today is my last day at work for Professional Deck Builder magazine. The business was sold to a large company called Handley-Wood and the offices are moving to their locations. The four of us (including boss & wife) are moving on. Me to Idaho Falls, Maura Jacob will do free-lance work for magazines from her home. Diann Dempsey is going back to homemaking & gardening and Terry Dempsey hasn't said what he is going to do yet. I have very mixed feeling about this because it is the first job I have been "let go" from and because I will miss my association with such good people.

Yesterday I got an email at my work email address from a long lost friend...Here is what she wrote...
I am trying to locate an old friend of mine from Sandpoint, Idaho. Is this the former Patty Baugh I know? This is Jackie Surber Whitney who has not seen my friend Patty since 1968. I was just thinking of people who have been in my life and you are someone I have thought of and wondered about often. Let me know if I am on the right track and hopefully we can catch up on our lives and the events and people in them.
Jackie Whitney
Of course I emailed her back and will call her and catch up on the past. She was my best friend during the 6,7,8, grades. Then she moved to the Seattle, Washington area. I'll tell more later. Here is the only photo I have of her, from the 8th grade(?)