December 31, 2006

Last Day of 2006

Today I say good-bye to the year 2006. But before I do I'd like to post two photo of our families who I was so happy to have in our home during the holidays. I certainly miss other family members but I have 2007 in which to share their time and spirits. I thank the Lord for all my many blessings and express my love and gratitude for them all! Happy New Year!

December 25, 2006

What a busy night! Merry Christmas!

I happened to have driven by and see Santa in a snowmobile on Christmas Eve. He waved as I drove by.

I drove by him AGAIN on Christmas morning...WOW! ....He looked so tired...but I heard him call "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" so I knew he must be alright!

(these are real photos I took of an inflatable Santa on my drive to work, cute huh?)

December 24, 2006

Christmas Blessings

What a suprise! Rick woke up on December 23 peeing blood. We spent the whole day in either the emergency room or his room (324) waiting for a Specialist to come see him. Doctor arrived at 8:30 pm and bumped two surgeries to get Rick in. So, at 10pm they wheeled him into the operating room and at 2:00 am Christmas Eve day they rolled him back to his room. He had a grapefruit size blood clot in his bladder due to an enlarged prostrate. They removed the blood clot and a large portion of the prostrate. He will be in the hospital 2 couple of days and then home to take it easy for 4 weeks. He will return to work on Jan 2 as oked by Dr. Tall (who by the way is not physically tall at all) He is doing well and his sense of humor has never been better. Thanks to all the family and friends who have called. He said calls are good but no visitors for the first little while.
The blessings are:
1. fortunately we had not started driving to Logan yet
2. the clinic we went to first sent us up immediately and contacted the specialist for us
3. the Doctor was very very good at his job
4. Sally was here to show her love by giving Rick a foot massage and energy balance
5. Andy and Laron Shumway gave him a blessing before going to surgery
6. we have good health insurance and both the doctor & hospital are on out plan
7. we have each other for support
8. we will get to spend all the time we want together for Christmas
9. it could have been cancer
10. the hospital has people come to administer the sacrament
etc. etc. etc.

December 21, 2006

My Most Treasure Gift

Rick and I created our traditional Christmas page on December 20th instead of Christmas Eve. We will be at Max and Brigitte's and enjoying their traditions. However, we want to keep this tradition alive, so we did it early. Interestingly enough we both chose Christ as our most treasured gift. Here are the pages

December 19, 2006

Another great FHE and another good choir concert!

The Bonneville High School Choirs gave an excellent performance in the Colonial Theatre. The music was fantastic and the setting was was beautiful! It is great to be where musical performanances are plentiful. What a wonderful holiday treat!

December 15, 2006

My Study Skills Class @ Bonneville High School

Julissa, Michelle and Jorge behind Mrs. Reed

Today was a very unusual day. Take my last period Study Skills Class. The students had their homework done in 1/2 hour and we still had 55 minutes of class time left. So Mrs. Reed and I had fun just chatting. I showed them both Brigitte's and Jasmine's web site and they loved them. Mrs. Reed is having a wedding soon and will probably be calling Brigitte to do her photo. I had my camera with me and here is a picture of the Class. These are really great kids!

December 12, 2006

Great Family Home Evening

We had a great evening with friends at one of the most beautiful Christmas Concerts of the Season. Bob and Ruth Morton, from Snellville Georgia, are here in Idaho Falls visiting their son, Jared (who is a doctor). They were part of our family home evening group in Georgia and it only seemed like the thing to do, get together for FHE, so we did. They have recently retired and are hoping to go to Korea and supervise the "TALL" English for 1 year. Then they are planning to "turn in their papers" and and go on a mission. What great friends and fun people! This was the best Family Home Evening we have had since coming to Idaho Falls. Thanks Bob and Ruth for the great visit!

December 09, 2006

Night of Fun with Yost!

We went to the Yost Company Christmas Party. It was a buffet dinner with ham and prime rib as the main course. The entertainment was the Blackfoot High School Madrigal Singers.

I met Rick's co-workers and wives and made two new friends, one to talk school with, and one two go second-hand shopping with.

The decorations were great. Notice one photo is a Santa Tree.

Rick won a wireless keyboard and mouse and candy.

It was an enjoyable evening among new friends!

December 04, 2006

Our little apartment is deck out for Christmas

There is Christmas music on the radio

The temperatures are in the single digits

There's a skiff of snow on the ground

Soon Santa will arrive with his gifts and we are ready!

December 03, 2006

Gingerbread Houses

The last time I saw the Idaho Falls Gingerbread Houses displayed was when my Dad was serving a mission at the Idaho Falls Visitor Center. The location of the houses has changed this year to a Store name "Town & Country" and the display of houses was MUCH SMALLER and LESS ELABORATE. But I did are a few of them in photograph. I really enjoy traditions and hope this one does not die out!

December 02, 2006

Morning laugh, Idaho style!

Gone are the beautiful walks to and from work in Snellville. Yes, I do miss the lovely trees and flowers but hey, now I can laugh every morning as I read the many signs along my 4.2 mile drive. Here is the latest one to cheer your day!

December 01, 2006

Come with me on a visual tour of Idaho Falls Nativity

As you enter the North LDS Stake Center in Idaho Falls you are greeted with beautiful paintings depicting the Saviors Life

Then you look insde the classrooms to veiw themed displays. The first is the Angel Room.
Next is the Shepards room.
Then you go into the cultural hall and see a variey of scenes. I enjoyed the life size manger and the tree with all natavity ornaments.

And then comes the Wiseman room.

After you stop in the Chapel to hear lovely musical groups perform you exit with more paints of Christ.

What a wonderful way to bring the true meaning of Christmas into your hearts this season. Come for a vist next year and we will take you with us. Have a Merry Christmas!

November 30, 2006

Extreme Makeover-Bedroom Edition-November 2006

We spent the Thanksgiving Holidays in Logan doing an extreme make over for our daughter Sally. She needed more space and organization so.... Rick and I went to work. In Luke's room we added 17 cubby spaces with containers, painted the room and got him a desk & chair where he can do his school work, hooks to hang up his backpack and coat, put more cubbies in the cupboard above his drawers, got him a bulletin board, red throw carpet and then added a wooden strip above his bed so he could tape up his pictures and posters. Last thing we did was get him a new sheet and bedspread. I really loved the results! For the Girls room we had less space to work with but tried our best to make it all usable space (the only thing we would like to do later is get a chest of drawers when the rocking chair can be taken to another room. We painted it a cotton candy pink, put in 20 cubby spaces with pink containers, 2 purple drawers went into a cabinet Sally already had, put up a valance, put up hook to hang coats and "girl stuff", moved the furniture to accommodate the bunkbed that Sally & Andy bought, and put up two shelves( one for baby stuff and another for girls stuff). We also put more cubbies above the drawers and bought comforters and sheets and a dress-up box. This room is very much a girls room and can be changed around later as the girls grow up.

November 29, 2006

Nell Marilyn Shumway receives a blessing

Sunday, November 25th Nell received a name and a blessing by her father at the home of her Shumway Grandparents. We were so happy to be there. I got to hold her for 3 hours! What a blessing. People in the photo are Andrew ( holding Luke), Sally (holding Nell), Pat (holding Mabel) and Rick (holding Lily).

November 19, 2006

Idaho Walking Stick

Saturday Rick and I went to the BIG Holiday Arts and Crafts Fair held at Bonneville High School (place where I work) Everything from food to furniture was sold there.

I bought a "walking stick" ( made from Quaking Aspen) to add to my collection. Now, I have one from California (redwood) one from Georgia (dogwood) and the new one from Idaho. There were lots of LDS crafts and new things I've never seen. All-in-all it was a nice experience. The only thing that would have made it more fun was either family or friends to go with us. So once again...come join us for the parade or gingerbread houses (Nov 27-Dec 2 Idaho Falls North Stake Center, 955 Memorial Dr.) we would love it.

November 18, 2006

The Holidays have begun!

Last night we attended the Idaho Falls "Festival of the Trees." It officially begins the holiday season here. I forgot my camera so here is a look at the program and some trees I found on "google". Next week is Thanksgiving and after that is the Gingerbread Festival. After that will be the Christmas Light Parade. Please come and stay with us and we'll take you to either or both. I'll be sure and take my camera if you can't come. Happy Holidays and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

We spent the night at home watching a movie. It was an uneventful evening because we live in an area where kids don't come to "trick or treat."
But on Saturday our son Max brought his two children and left them with us for the week-end. We had a Halloween Party here. Mason dressed as King Peter and Natalie was Queen Lucy. I was Susan the archer and Rick didn't have a costume. We played card games, made monster pictures, had rice crispy treats and watched the Movie "Home Alone 2."
We also took them over to Grandpa and Grandma Baugh house to show them their cute costumes. They really enjoyed it. Especially since Kaye has been pretty well confined to the house since her operation in October.
It is good to be closer to family and share the fun events with them! Thanks to Max and Brigitte for sharing their children with us for Halloween.

October 17, 2006

Grandchild # 8 has arrived on Earth

Monday, October 9, 2006 little "Nell Marilyn Shumway" arrived healthy and happy. Mother had a natural birth and is also doing fine. I am in Logan this week helping out with the chores. I spend the day with Sally and family and the evenings and night with Max and family. It is good to be back in the West and accessible to family.

Last week my other mother went into the hospital for an operation... she had a "benign" nodule removed from her stomach just below the esophagas. Last week I was able to drive my dad from his daily visit to see her and to his daily grocery shopping trip. Now, she is home and my dad is taking good care of her this week.

Rick and I have rented a 2 bedroom apartment in Idaho Falls and will eventually buy a home there or in Logan. The company, "Yost Business Systems" he is now working for is considering opening an office in Logan and he would be the one to send when they do. So, for now we are just renting until we hear yes or no.

I am working as an ESL (English as a second language) aide at Bonneville High School. It seems strange to be working with students that are mature, most of my life I have worked with much younger children. This will be a good learning experience.

September 28, 2006

Signing off until ???

Tonight I am packing my computer and don't know where or when I'll be up and running again. So until then bye and thanks for stopping in and viewing my blog. Love, Pixel Pat

September 25, 2006

Snellville swimming beauties!

Check out my fun water aerobics buddies! When I was working I went with them on Fridays and after my job ended I went Mon/Wed/Fri. The instructor's name is Linda and she makes it lots of fun. The men in the class are real talkers and I really made a lot of friends in the group. I will miss the camaraderie and the healthy body but am determined to find a group where we settle.

September 24, 2006

Nick and Jasmine's home is completed

After quite some time, I have finally taken pictures of the house. I know a lot of you wanted to know what me and Jasmines house looks like, so here we go.

I have an extremely busy week ahead of me, so not much to say right now, other that enjoy the pictures, and I love you all!

Especially enjoy the PANORAMIC.jpg (a nice little picture I made if we ever sell the house...) Nick

September 23, 2006

Isis has a diagnosis

Our sweet little Isis has Ridged Spine Muscular Dystrophy-The following are letters between Jaz and Dr. The Web addresses are for more information on the disease. (information) (photos)

From: Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss []
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:36 PM
To: Kevin Flanigan
Subject: Isis Barfuss FVC and ECG

Dear Kevin,
Isis has been officially diagnosed with Rigid Spine Muscular Dystrophy, thanks to the help of you and Dr Phillipa Lamont here in Perth. I believe you know each other. They have identified 2 SEPN1 mutations in Isis and are going to look at myself and my husbands DNA to confirm diagnosis. Our five month daughter has the same symptoms as Isis – that is, floppy and weak neck and general weakness. She can’t lift her head while on her tummy and doesn’t push with her legs when standing on my lap etc. She also has had a droopy lip from birth – most evident when laughing or crying. Nothing else on her face droops, just her lip.

Isis had a FVC and it was really pathetic. He couldn’t do it at all. We’re lucky if he can blow bubbles on the rare occasion.

He also had an ECG and it was fine. His previous one 2 years ago was fine too.

I hope this information can help you in your research. We are happy to participate in any research as we are finding that there is very little information available.

Dr Lamont and I are struggling to find info on successful therapies and treatments of Rigid Spine MD. Do you know of any? Do you know if people with this can lead normal lives? Get married? Have children? If Isis is on a B-pap at night, will that help reduce the early morality rate? I am curious to know more about the family in your research paper. Are they mormons? We are mormons. My husband has pioneer heritage. My heritage is more Irish and Scottish. Do you think they may be interested in corresponding with us, or perhaps a visit on our next holiday to Utah (my husband is from Logan). It would be great if Isis could meet other children with the same thing as him. Not to mention how great it would be for us to learn more. I understand this is an unusual request.

Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss

Dear Jasmine,
I am glad to hear that you have finally received a diagnosis. It is quite clear that management of the respiratory issues is the most important determinant of function, and longevity. Early BiPAP intervention is a very good idea. I do in fact have patients who live long and functional lives. The oldest boy in the family from Utah recently moved to California to work as a computer animator. I have another patient, in her 30s, who has a professional position with the Veteran’s administration in Salt Lake City.

I think it is interesting that your family has pioneer heritage. The most direct way to determine if you and the Utah family (who are also Mormons) are by any chance related is to see if you carry one of their mutations. Could you scan and send to me a copy of your mutation report? I do know that the family would very likely be happy to meet you, and share with you their experience. I need to ask them directly before I put you in contact, but I will do so and let you know what they say.

I would also be happy to meet you if you get back to Logan (although I am in Paris for the year). In fact, we have ongoing research studies in this syndrome for which we obtain skin biopsy (in order to make a fibroblast cell culture), with or without a needle muscle biopsy. If you wished, we could take a tiny bit of skin from Isis when you visit. If you are coming to Utah any time soon, one of my colleagues would do it. (The skin biopsy itself is like that done at the dermatologist—a 3 mm punch biopsy of the skin.) We use these cells for ongoing studies which are beginning to shed light on the mechanism of disease, and will hopefully point the way toward treatment. If you are interested in this, but are not coming to Utah soon, we could also ask Dr. Lamont to start a fibroblast culture (most hospitals can) and send us the cells.

With my very best regards,

Kevin Flanigan

September 19, 2006

Armor of God

Tonight for Family Home Evening we were talking about the armor of god. Luke put on each part as we discussed how the armor protected us physically and spiritually. We were trying to all memorize what each part stood for. I then talked about how Satan would try and fight with us and if we had the armor we would always win. We had a little demostration by Luke and Lily as you can see. Lily was very much in character and loves acting. She had a good bad face and would chase Luke around, but just like we talked about she was good at dying everytime he pulled out the sword of the spirit. It was fun and I wanted to share the picture with you.
(When I was dressing Lily as Satan I handed the pitch fork to her and said "here is the devil's fork" Lily said "where is the devil's spoon?") Love, Sally

September 16, 2006

News from Australia

Both the kids are well. Mummy is fine, just tired because Phoenix has been waking up hungry throughout the night. Trying her on solids to see if that helps. We just went to the beach and found some coral. Nick and Isis are going to a Cartoon Camp in the school holidays. Should be so fun.
The camp Nick and Isis are going to isn’t actually a sleep over, it’s drawing Star Wars and Sci Fi and ghost stories and Night games. Should be fun!