Sunday began with Rick and I singing in a Choir who performed for the Lilbun Stake. We did a performance of a Musical about Joseph Smith. The Name is, "My Servant Joseph". It was written by Kenneth Cope (for anyone who is interested in hearing beautiful music.) My favorite was a song called Tiny Hands. It was sung by people portraying Joseph & Emma Smith. They both have VERY professional voices and it was a moving song about losing their twins when they were only days old. I was so happy to be a part of the Church's Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the birth of Joseph Smith.

Next some friends came over and invited me to go to the grocery store with them because the store was serving Thanksgiving Dinner free. Can you imagine that, free? Yes sirree, we went and as you stepped in the door they were serving turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pasta, spinach and corn. Then as you walked around the store in each department they were also serving other items, frozen section: ice cream, bakery: rolls, small eclairs, pies & more; dairy section: had hot or cold cider & egg nogg; meat section: little sausages and finally the candy section had Hershey kisses. They have done this every year for at least 13 years (because that is how long my friends have lived here &; they go every year. It was a fun night and they gave away coupons for BIG discounts. I also picked up a coloring page and crayons. Here is the coloring page if you want to print it and have the kids color it. If they send it to me (or any other picture) I will post it on my blog for them to see. That is my contest for the month of December. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, we will be thinking of all our loved ones!
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