September 27, 2020

New Couple Tradition

 Hello Family

We really miss seeing you and hearing from you. So. We have decided to send you a weekly positive thought to let you know we are thinking about you. We love you very much. Pat and Rick, Gpa and Gma,  Mom and Dad

August 16, 2020

Jar Lids by Pat



 These are some flowers I have made from china dishes.

vintages jewelery pictures

Here are some pictures I made out of a bag of broken jewelry and other "stuff" from DI.The picture frames are from DI too.

Here are



 Here are some rocks I have painted. I either give them to friends or leave them around town.

July 11, 2020

Costumes I have made

I have loved making myself a costume each year and having  a family party. My kids made costumes too. It was a family tradition until 2019. These photos don't do justice to the dresses. Each costume had accessories, petticoats, shoes, gloves, etc. which really added to the effect  authenticity.