September 21, 2019

Quilts made in August 2019

I've been making this style of lap/baby quilts for about 8 years. I got most of my fabric from DI. 
My motivation was to recycle fabric and make something useful and pretty to give away.
I made hundreds of them.
Now however DI has less and less fabric for sale. 
So, I matched up what was in my stash and completed 20 quilts. 
This is the end of this style of quilts for me.
I has been fun making them AND giving them away.
(An end of an era)

Garden Flowers

I made these lovely flowers for my garden. 
They are made from plates, bowls, beads, etc. from DI.
I made several more.and gave to friends, 
put on the railing of my front porch, 
and along the fence in the back yard.