June 25, 2018

June 25-July 1 Teacher, Do You Love Me?

Feeling unloved, lonely or just down today. Then listen to this song and know that you are love not only by a teacher but, your family, your friends, God our Father & His son Jesus Christ. Oh, and by me!


June 11, 2018

June 10-17

Song: LDS Hymn #10

Talk: Blessing of the Priesthood by Robert D. Hales 1995

My ponderings: (for talk in church, Sunday June 17th.)

Last month a group of ladies from our Ward (including Michelle Badger, Ruth Rich, Kay Durrant, Lou Jean Whittaker, Sandra Tolley, Gloria Barrett, Eva Carpenter, Lee Kingsford, Cecelia Benson, Voni Roat and me) went on Daughters of the Utah Pioneers field trip to the Family Discovery Center, in Salt Lake City.  When we first walked in we were each given an I-pad and told to sign in with our lds account and take a photo of ourselves. After we all did that (some of us with much help) we went to a wall filled with large monitor/ screens and a docking station for each. We then attached our I-pad to a docking station and were linked to the interactive FamilySearch database. Fun! We were able to see on our screen pictures of our friends and others who were connected. One of the interactive ways to research was seeing the relationship of our ancestors and how we were related to those who were logged on at the center. It was amazing! Eva Carpenter and I discovered we are 3rd cousins. I was related to others as well but they were 6 or more generations back. It was so interesting to see the connections to my friends. We could also see how we were related to political leaders, movie stars and other famous people.

The LDS FamilySearch datebase is one of the largest in the world. In 2015 it had over 15 terabytes of images and 112 million grave records. With individuals indexing records the database grows as information is added regularly. This database links family members together, has photographs and memories, important documents and histories. It is extensive, however; it does not contain everything. It is fallible, flawed, and, yes, imperfect.

Do I see some you falling asleep already? I bet you think I’m going to speak about genealogy, right?  Nope I’m not. I’ve been asked to speak on Fathers, the priesthood and blessings. 

Priesthood & Blessings 
What, you ask, did my introduction about linking to the Family History database or being related to Sister Carpenter or how complete the FamilySearch database is have to do with this topic? Let me make an analogy.

Picture God our Father in Heaven as the database. He is the comprehensive, complete and, yes, perfect database. 
Think of the I-pad as the priesthood, (the power to act for God our Heavenly Father).  

When we use our lds account and sign into the I-pad (the powerful priesthood) then attach it to the docking station we are linked to the database, the perfect database- (God our Heavenly Father.)  We are able to receive all the enduring, eternal blessing of saving ordinances of the gospel from a Father who loves us and want us to rerun home to Him. Such as: 

1. D&C 58: 42 Through baptism the priesthood links us to forgiveness as our wrongs and
sins are washed away and remembered no more.

2. D&C 130:23 Through confirmation we are linked to the constant companionship of the
 Holy Ghost.  With its comfort, direction, protection. 

3. Romans  15 Through the washing/anointing and endowment ordinances in the temple
the priesthood links us to truth, light, peace and love, knowledge, perspective and power.

4. D&C 138:51 Through the sealing ordinances we are linked to the 1st resurrection, with
D&C 130:37 glory, immortality and eternal lives, forever families, and becoming kings & queens, gods & goddesses.
5. Mosiah 8:17 The priesthood links us to sanctification and parts the veil to allow us to see
 things as they were, as they are and they will yet become. 

Fathers & Blessings
There are other blessings the priesthood can link us to. It is through non-saving ordinance, such as:  naming/baby blessing, and father’s blessings. These blessing come in multitude of magnificent, miraculous, individualized, personal, unique blessings from our Father who loves us and wants to have joy in this life.

Several weeks ago I taught my Primary class the lesson, “The Priesthood Blesses Me.” My students Addy Penrod, Johnny Perkins, Logan Skidmore, and Malia Murdock shared with me how the priesthood their father’s holds has blessed them.
Johnny said he was very sick when he was younger, he can’t remember much about it now, but he knows his dad gave him a blessing of healing and he was made well.

Addy told that sometimes she is afraid. When she gets a blessing from her daddy she feels better and isn’t afraid any more.

Both Milia and Logan said before the start of the school year their dads give them a blessing-- a father’s blessing. 
o Logan said he wasn’t afraid to go to school after the blessing and 
o Malia said she just loves school.

When my sons Max & Nick were taken in the arms of their father and other priesthood holder and given their names they also received specific individual blessings. 
Max was blessed to be physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. (That’s right he was bless with the qualities of a good boy scout…his father loved scouting.) Anyone who knows Max recognizes these quantities in him.
Nick was given the blessing to be a peacemaker in our home and be the glue to hold the family together. My son Max and daughter had power struggles throughout their growing up years as many siblings do. Nick was there to make a joke to lighten the mood and bring peace. Now as adults those childhood power struggle still continue and they don’t like to get together. Nick lives in California but when he comes home he is the glue that brings us together for enjoyable family gatherings. All who know him see he is a peacemaker who keeps the family together.

More Blessings
Have you ever noticed an older person struggling with balance issues, who are unsteady on their feet? It is difficult for them to walk without swaying, stumbling or even falling. Have you watched as a friend or family member offers them an arm or hand to hold onto? If you have, you’ve seen the older person walking in a straighter line again. They seem more confident and stronger. 

Here is another analogy: If we, the stumbling person, hold onto the arm of the priesthood we are linked to God who gives us blessings to those who are sick/ afflicted, to those receiving their patriarchal blessings, and those who are set apart to a calling or priesthood ordinations. The blessings we receive give us confidence, make us stronger and even keep us on the straight and narrow path. 

When I was young I lived in a home with much contention. We brother and sisters argued, blamed, weren’t completely honest, and disobeyed our parents. There was yelling and crying. From my parents there were threatenings, spankings, and revoking of privileges,  I wasn’t having good thoughts about myself. I was sure I was a wicked person who would never get back to God.  At the age of 14 I received my patriarchal blessing. I received great comfort  from this phrase in my blessing…” You were an obedient spirit before you came to this earth. You were not born to this earth by accident and were given special responsibilities and special purposes when you were born…so you shall find the opportunity to do much good upon the earth.” It gave me the confidence and strength I needed to stay on the straight and narrow path leading back to God!

My Father 
I’d like to pay a short tribute to my father, Horace Langlois Baugh. He provided me with these saving ordinances
he gave me my name and a blessing, 
he baptized me
he was there when I went through the temple for my endowment 
he was with me for my temple marriage
But he was more than that! In 2002 I wrote this poem about him. I hope you get a glimpse of who he is and how much I love him.

 I express my gratitude for AII the blessings I have received from MY loving Heavenly Father. I know that He loves each of us and will continue to bless us. I pray that, I with you,  will be there on that perfect day when the righteous are presented to Him by His Son Jesus Christ. I and I hope that WE are among the ones who will receive exaltations and eternal life with Him. Amen