December 07, 2017


I made these for the ladies in my Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, William B. Preston Camp.


I made these for my granddaughters for Christmas.

November 16, 2017

Button Necklaces

Photos take in poor light with my cell phone...sorry they are not the best. But it is so much fun to make all this jewelry. Rick has started helping me drill holes and sand the back of the button aftere I cut off the shank. 

Thimble Necklaces

 Silver thimble blue and white buttons

White thimble black and white buttons

Yellow and pink

Antique gold

Matching button necklaces & bracelets

Jewel tones

Antique gold and brown

Light pink and gold

October 01, 2017

October 1 -freezing temptures and possible snow-

I brought in my produce(ripe or not)  ZUCCHINI, TOMATOES, SPAGHETTI SQUASH, ONIONS,  AND ORANGE PEPPER. and covered the pumpkins and carrots. The weather is forecasting 29 degrees and possible snow tonight.

I made a yummy soup using tomatoes, onions, zucchini, spinach, carrots, celery and hamburger. I wish the family could come help me eat my meal with me. But alas all are busy or out of town. I'll share it with Rick tomorrow! Maybe take some to an elderly friend too! I am blessed!!!!!

Repurposed buttons, ribbions, fabric, and chains all from DI

These are some of my Button Creations made in 2017. 
I bought a tub of buttons at DI and this is the result of that purchase.
My only purchases have been jewelery supplies, which has bee minimial due to 50% off coupons for JoAnn's and Michaels.
I've given away one (key necklace) and sold one (two toned blue bracelet-$12.00) 
The rest will be given as Christmas gifts to family and friends.

September 24, 2017

October 2017 LDS General Conference

I really enjoyed the Women's Conference and Sharon Euank's talk really touched me.
The story was great, the delivery was professional, the 4 points were very spot on, 
but the idea about spiritual gifts really rang true with my heart,

June 14, 2017

Quilting again!

A neighbor replenished my stock of quilting material. 
She decided she didn't like sewing so gave all of her material to me. 
In exchange I made her a twin size quilt and pillow case.
We both are happy!