March 10, 2016

Re-purposed Window Valance

I just love making a cute quilt from items I find at DI. 
Here is my latest creation.

January 30, 2016

I enlisted Rick's help and in 4 hours we created this! Fun, fun, fun! Now I hope many people drive or walk by and smile. It was made with love for the masses.


January 18, 2016

2016 Winter Depression Solution

OK, It's time to talk about my depression. It is really really bad during the winter month, especially this year. So, I thought I'd use my creativity to cheer up. Thus the snow creations.

Then I woke up 1 1/2 days after finishing the lego man and found this

There were both human footprints and deer hoof prints around it. Sad! So then anger kicked in and I  poured all of my anger into my this current snowman. 

Well, that worked wonders,I feel better than I have in weeks! FIE ON YE DEMONS OF THE DARK AND DESTROYERS OF SNOWMAN. I win!