June 08, 2014

A Spiritual Feast

Today at our Stake Conference we had a spiritual feast.  Steven K. Randall (Area Seventy) and David S. Baxter (First Quorum of Seventy) came to reorganize our Stake Presidency.

Released : Bryan Larsen, Paul Champlin, Craig Hislop
Sustained: Paul D. Parkinson, John G. Miller, Michael K. Child

Elder Randall has a great sense of humor. He told us that Boyd K. Packer said the only difference between an especial witness of Christ (General Authorities) and a special witness of Christ (area seventies) in “e.”

He spoke to me when he said his job is to help perfect the saints and he wanted to learn to perfect prayer!  I too want to perfect prayer! 

Elder Baxter said he prayed for everyone in our stake.  That our burdens would be light, that our prayers would be answered, that we would feel the love of God and Christ. I felt he had prayed just for me when he said this! He also made reference to a quote that I have always believe, "fear & faith can't exist together" he refuted this. He said he has felt fear and faith coexist and that the only thing that can drive out fear is perfect love! This was an answer to my prayers...I've been feeling both faith and anxiety for the past 3 months... Christ's perfect love entered my soul at conference (because of the Love I felt from Elder Baxter) and is driving away the anxiety.
He also said that we are entering a "new dark age" and Satan is using discouragement, despondency and depression to put the world in bondage. The Gospel light is bright and as we hold to it the darkness will dissolve around us so we too can be golden beacons of light.
His last thoughts were that we need to be: faithful, good, HAPPY (force a smile if necessary) and have fun in the gospel!

If you don't know who David S. Baxter is click here

Steven K. Randall