December 15, 2014

At the Sacramento Temple

We were able to attend the Temple in California on December 10th. 
Met the brother of  Ruth Stocker who is in our old 29th Ward. Fun time!

November 19, 2014

Too cold for Nijna Turtles

Two streets over from us on 3rd South is an amazing snowman in the yard! I should last a good long time because night time temperatures are 7 degrees F and daytime is in the 30's.

November 18, 2014

Strange Potato

A friend of mine (LaRue Kovene) grew a very strange potato. Then she took it to a friend who painted it for her. She entered it into the "Pumpkin Walk" and had lots of photos taken and comments on what they thought it looked like.  What  do you think it looks like?

October 11, 2014

Halloween Party 2014

We had my party early this year so the grand kids could enjoy it with their family and friends on Halloween Night.  

We had dinner, bobbed for apples, drew faces on paper pumpkins (we voted on three we liked best.)  Mable, Samuel, and Natalie's designs won. That made them the captains for the team pumpkin carving contest.  We had cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places...the carved pumpkin had to look like the drawing...everyone was a winner.
Then we walked to Island Market and bought treats.  The penny candy bins were a hit! 

Oh, no costumes this year, except for me and curly headed Luke. I just love making a new costume every year...I was supposed to be a Wise Woman...but failed because I didn't get a picture of Mabel this year. Sorry Mabel.

 Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

October 09, 2014

General Priesthood Meeting, October 2014

They had a good time being together!

Football: Mason vs Tayden

Mason and Tayden have been best friends since 1st grade.
Still best friends after Mountain crest tromps Logan 36 to 14?
You bet!

August 10, 2014

Of Regrets and Resolutions

We had a great Relief Society activity.  Sandra T. spoke on President Uchtdorf's Conf. Talk.  Then we wrote down our personal regrets and threw them in a bonfire... releasing them to God.  Afterward we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores.  This was a good night for everyone there. Very therapeutic!  I had lots of regrets and burned them all.
We were told to avoid regrets by making 3 resolutions:
1)  Resolve to spend more time with those we love.
2)  Resolve to strive more earnestly to become the person God wants us to be.
3)  Resolve to find happiness, regardless of our circumstances.
Great council and advise.

June 08, 2014

A Spiritual Feast

Today at our Stake Conference we had a spiritual feast.  Steven K. Randall (Area Seventy) and David S. Baxter (First Quorum of Seventy) came to reorganize our Stake Presidency.

Released : Bryan Larsen, Paul Champlin, Craig Hislop
Sustained: Paul D. Parkinson, John G. Miller, Michael K. Child

Elder Randall has a great sense of humor. He told us that Boyd K. Packer said the only difference between an especial witness of Christ (General Authorities) and a special witness of Christ (area seventies) in “e.”

He spoke to me when he said his job is to help perfect the saints and he wanted to learn to perfect prayer!  I too want to perfect prayer! 

Elder Baxter said he prayed for everyone in our stake.  That our burdens would be light, that our prayers would be answered, that we would feel the love of God and Christ. I felt he had prayed just for me when he said this! He also made reference to a quote that I have always believe, "fear & faith can't exist together" he refuted this. He said he has felt fear and faith coexist and that the only thing that can drive out fear is perfect love! This was an answer to my prayers...I've been feeling both faith and anxiety for the past 3 months... Christ's perfect love entered my soul at conference (because of the Love I felt from Elder Baxter) and is driving away the anxiety.
He also said that we are entering a "new dark age" and Satan is using discouragement, despondency and depression to put the world in bondage. The Gospel light is bright and as we hold to it the darkness will dissolve around us so we too can be golden beacons of light.
His last thoughts were that we need to be: faithful, good, HAPPY (force a smile if necessary) and have fun in the gospel!

If you don't know who David S. Baxter is click here

Steven K. Randall

May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Games Quarter Quell + 2

The Winners are:
1st   Mason Barfuss  District 1
2nd  Luke Shumway District 1
2nd  Isis Barfuss       District 1
3rd  Nick Barfuss     District 2

These Tributes were designed by their team:
District 1   Agriculture   Andy Shumway
District 2   Mining   Nick Barfuss  
Dsitrict 3   Electrical   Sally Shumway
District 4    Medical   Lily Shumway