January 29, 2013

Lots of snow in Logan

I spent a few days in Omaha, Nebraska. Enjoyed my sister Judy and her two granddaughters. I had a delay in getting home because of snow in Utah.
The pictures are of: 1) Judy's granddaughters, Hadley and Tatum, 2) photo of Judy's livingroom, and 3) views from my patio doors looking into the patio benches and the snow laden pine tree.
Today I shoveled the patio and shook the tree limbs to remove the snow.
I had a good visit but am glad to be home!

January 21, 2013

Ten of My Favorite People

My refrigerator is finally updated, again, with current photos of each of my grandchildren.
Mason and Natalie belong to Max & Brigitte.  
Isis and Phoenix belong to Nick and Jasmine. 
That leaves Luke, Lily, Mabel, Nell, Paul, and Samuel as Andy and Sally's children.Now, an announcement...Sally is expecting another baby in May/June.
 That will make 11 grandchildren in all. 
 I am so proud of each of them.  As the year goes by I hope to send you news and updates of their lives. They are a great joy to me and keep me from getting lonely (since Rick works way to many hours.)