December 24, 2012

Christmas page---the tradition continues

Merry Christmas on this Christmas Eve! 

Rick and I decided to use REJOICE as our theme for making our traditional Christmas page.  We could use the computer this year so they look very professional.  I read to Rick some of our previous pages and asked him to extend himself and use some more words to express his thoughts.  I think he really out did himself this year! 

We hope you enjoy reading our traditional page and feel of the LOVE we have for Jesus Christ.  Know too, that you, our family and friends, are loved by Him and by us! 

May you have a wonderful Christmas Day and may your hearts be filled in REJOICING! 

 Love, Rick and Pat

December 10, 2012

Merry Christmas-Photos of Israel Trip

Here is a very short video of The Sea of Galilee and another
video of a model of Jerusalem at the time of Christ.
Also there is a long PowerPoint presentation, choose which parts you want to view when it says to click here. When you click it will take you to something (YouTube video, etc.) other than my trip.  Download the PDF and enjoy!!  When you come to the video in the PDF you won't be able to see the movie, 
but you will have already seen them here.
Also, please don't modify the PDF...I couldn't share it in a locked format.
   PDF of Israel Trip November 2012