April 29, 2012

5th set of quilts in 2012

This makes 40 quilts in 2012.  I really enjoy making and giving them away.  
Somehow the material at DI is available when I want to begin sewing again.

April 16, 2012

10 Commandments

While I was in California for Isis' baptism.  The Missionaries came to teach him his last missionary discussion.  He taught the Ten Comandments using his fingers.  I was so impressed I taught it to my Primary cass today, they loved it! I  just finished making this visual aid and post it so others may use it too.

April 14, 2012

My Spring Break

Day 1:     Brigitte, Mason, Natalie and I left Saturday March 31st for Natalie's gymnastics meet in Ogden.  From there we headed to San Bruno California to see Nick, Jasmine, Isis and Phoenix.  Our car was buffete3d by high winds all day.  We went through 3 sandstorms and stopped in Reno to spend the night.  The Donner Pass was closed unless you had chains on your tires. Brigitte was a trouper so the kids gave her a massage, then we all went to bed.

Day 2:   We woke up, ate, then drove through the pass and all the way to Nick's house without any difficulties.  The kids were so happy to see each other.

Day 3: We all took a walk along a beach trail and stopped to play in the sand. Then ate yummy pie at a place called Shari's.
Day 4: Wow! Went to Golden Gate Park and to a Science Center where we saw animal, fish, butterflies and more.The best part was an exploration room   I liked the albino alligator, the frogs that looked like the were made from clay, and the jellyfish.

DAY 5: Today we went to a Mall.  I spent time with the girls at Build-a-Bear workshop and they both got to take one home. Daisy for Phoenix and Ally for Natalie.  The boys divided their time between the LEGO store and Games Workshop store.  Isis took home LEGOS and Mason took home an X-box 360 game.  Then we went to the fabulous place called the Exploratorium.   Of course, the boys loved seeing scat from different animals.Lots and lots of this to do and see.  I've always wanted to sit in a giant chair and now I have done it.

DAY 6-8: Jasmine's family arrive from Australia. We visited went shopping and played board games. Max and Rick arrived (they flew in) We ate at a great sea food place in downtown San Francisco and visited the Redwood Forest. We celebrated Easter with a coloring activity and egg hunt. We attended Isis Baptism and Confirmation. Then we drove home. I had a great Spring break.