June 29, 2010

Highlights of my trip to Turkey

Our trip itinerary
 underground cities in Cappodocia
Hot air balloon ride over Cappidocia
Cistern at the House of Virgin Mary

Children from Turkey
Kiosk Mescid along the silk road
Pamukkale Hot springs
My sister & friends at the ruins of Ephesus
Beauty in Turkey
Ruins at Pergamum
sunset at Canakkale
Ruins at Troy

Seagulls at Gallipoli
Mosque in Istanbul
view from a cruise on the Bosphors
ruins in Pergamum
fisherman in Gallipoli

ruins at Troy
ruins at Aspendos
pottery factory in Cappidocia
wedding couple at the Mausleaum of Ataturk
Mosque & palms

June 01, 2010

Memorial Day cowboys and cowgirls

The weather was perfect on Monday May 31, 2010.  We had fun at the 23rd Annual Memorial Day Games...before I got too busy I took a few snapshots of 7 of the 9 grandchildren and one of some family at the table...then we got so busy playing I didn't have time to take any more...I"ll have to get the photos that Jasmine took and share later!  xoxo Pat