May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Poem by Pat

Andersonville Cemetery, Georgia
Memorial Day
M emories of soldiers
E nter into our hearts
M aking us appreciate their sacrifice and
O ffer silent prayers of gratitude as we
R ealize all the freedoms we enjoy !
I sn’t it fitting that we display flags on their graves and
A lways remember the
L ives that they gave to

D eliver us from our foes
A llowing us to retain our freedoms?
Y es, that is what this day is for!
   Pat Barfuss
May 2010


May 09, 2010

James & Sandy Barfuss Married on May 8, 2010

Rick and I went over to Tremonton for the wedding. It was a beautiful sunny day for the lovely outdoor wedding and reception. They danced and looked soooooooooo in love. It was wonderful to be there.

James and Sandy in love!

  Bobby, Debbie, Sandy, James, Tina, Rochelle