July 28, 2008

July 19th-July 26th

We have had a very busy week. We remodeled Sally & Andy's bathroom in less than one week. Rick and I have may aches and pains from work late into the nights. Good news however, Rick got a cortozone shot in one foot and has NO pain there. So, he is going to have the other foot done this week.

As we were driving home on Friday evening we heard sirens so we drove to the end of our street. A young man had been traveling about 60 mph, he drove through a gated fence and landed upside down in the Logan River. Fortunately his injuries were very mild.

July 11, 2008

Luke & Isis spend the week together at Grandma's house

Our Primary Quarterly Activity (in July) was about following the road to happiness...we had the children make their own cars from a cardboard box and drive around to the different activities. Luke and Isis made cars with cardboard and paint. I wore Luke's car to the Activity and won the cutest car.

Here is a photo of Luke and Isis "crashing" into each other.

We went swimming (July 10th) and afterwards I had Luke and Isis take a shower...they looked so cute I just had to take a photo...(I've been forgetting to take my camera with me).