December 24, 2007

A Christmas Tradition Continues

Hello everyone,
Rick and I put our creative talents together once again to add a page to our "So this is Christmas" Book! We chose the topic of Noel. Rick wrote the meanings of the word and I wrote a poem. Hope you enjoy and a Very Merry Christmas!
Love, Pat

December 23, 2007

Our little reindeer have gone North

We have had a great week with our Lily & Luke. But as they say, "All good things come to an end," and our sweet little "reindeer" have gone to Idaho Falls for the Christmas vacation. While they were here we went to Mason's birthday party (2 of for kids and one for family) went to the DI and got toys, played at the park and made gifts for each family member. We also attended a school program where Luke and Lily sang and looked adorable. Grandpa spent most of the time "on call" with his work and we will have two FANTASTIC paychecks to buy overhead lighting and a snow blower! We are blessed and are happy to be able to help Sally and Andy while Sally recovers from a broken ankle and surgery to fix it!

December 02, 2007

More Gingerbread fun!

Max and family came over and we made gingerbread was planned before the Shumway disaster s we went ahead and had them stay over night after the Shumway kids left. Now we are a very tired Grandma and Grandpa...but we have made some new memories and that is GREAT in my book...sleep can wait for awhile more while I bring you all up to date with my wonderful family pictures!

Isis in a commercial

Isis is in a commercial advertizing "help a child at Christmas. "
This is really cute because you can hear what his voice sounds like! Click on the following URL which will take you to Nick's website and while you are there take some time to look at his other things too! Enjoy!

Shumfuss Gingerbread Christmas 2007

Sally (daughter) broke her ankle on Thursday afternoon. She fell down the we had the grandchildren (except for baby Nell) sleep over and spend the days with us until Andrew came home from his business trip. While they were here we had great fun. They opened one of their 24 presents and we made gingerbread houses out of graham-crackers. Fun!