May 22, 2007

Way to go Isis!

Check out Isis and his new glasses. Wow does he look cute! He is looking in his super hero present that Grandma sent to him because he gussed Luke's super heroes correctly! Way to go Isis! (mom Jasmine looks cute too!)

May 20, 2007

Here is a new family photo of my daughter Sally, husband Andy and children. Luke is 6 years old, Lily is 4, Mabel is 3 and Nel is 1 year old. I go swimming with them each Friday afternoon and they are getting to be confident in the water and will soon be real swimmers. I am proud of them.

May 15, 2007

Look who's graduating!

Clint Cornwall is all grown up and graduating from High School. Congratulations Clint, we are proud of you!

May 14, 2007

Name that Super Hero!

These super heroes were drawn by my grandson, Luke Shumway, he is 6 years old. He shared them with me and I love them. Here is a fun game for my Grandchildren. Name corrrectly as many of the super heroes that you can. I will send you a super hero gift. Love, Grandma Pat

May 13, 2007

Start looking at my blog again...I'm back at it!

Hello computer is working and I'm on line again AND I can access my is wonderful (even on this Mother's Day)

Here is a quick tour of our you will be able to tell we are still working on parts of it! Enjoy and let me know what you think? It feels very much like HOME!