We celebrated Valentines Day early this year. Our new Stake (North Idaho Falls Stake) has an annual sweetheart dinner and either a program or dance. This year it was on Saturday February 10th and was a dinner and program.

We had a lovely sunset on our drive over. When we got there you entered the gym through a balloon arch way. Merrill & Carol Hadden were looking for us when we walked in and invited us to join them so we were very very happy to. There were over 350 people who came to this event We had a fantastic saxophone player who played the entire time we were eating our pork roast, baked potato, corn & sweet potato casserole with cake for desert. Afterward the program included four couples dancing to the music "Could I Have The Last Dance For The Rest Of My Life," three couples sang "A penny A Kiss, A Penney A Hug," as they dropped pennies into a jug. It was a wonderful time with friends and we came home very happy to be here.