August 28, 2006

News in from Sally:
Here are some pictures of Lukes birthday party. It was nice to have Dad here, and Mason and Natalie loved playing with Luke and Lily.

I made the cake and it said "Use the force Luke" but the frosting ran a little and the four letter f-word looked a little strange on a child's cake.

We had pizza and watermelon Luke's favorite foods and played kick ball.

Luke's favorite thing about the day was being with his family!

Love, Sally

August 27, 2006

Jaden steals the wedding!

This email just in from my brother Brevan...Jaden is very handsome.
Jaden as a ring bearer at our friends recent outdoor wedding here in Connecticut. Sending luvs out into cyberspace... realizing that we are terrible about letting you know... we are still the 4th year of the Naturopathic program. Jaden, Kaiya, & Leah all send their best... when they can stop their romping long enough to do so...again,
luvs, brev & kris
The girls are cute too!

August 25, 2006

When I graduated from High School in 1967 my parents gave me a choice of graduation presents. I could have either a sewing machine or a typewriter. I got a Kenmore sewing machine. It amazes me what my 39 year old sewing machine can make. These are a receiving blanket and burp cloths for Sally's new baby coming in October. Sally, I'll put them in the mail next week. Hope you enjoy them.

August 24, 2006

More Hats!

Here are some more hats! I have finally used up all my left over fleece scraps. Anyone want to request one? Just add a comment or drop me an email.

August 20, 2006

Jasmine is having a birthday soon!

Jasmine has a birthday coming up on September 5th. Don't forget to send her your love and birthday wishes. Rick and I went to an art fare in Downtown Atlanta just before he left and we watched an artisan making necklaces. We thought they were very lovely and unique (just like Jaz) so we had him make one for her. Hope you like it Jasmine, it is in the mail on it's way to you! Love, Rick & Pat

August 19, 2006

My brother Dan is finally a Grandpa @ age 59, yeah!

This email just arrived! Brittney looks absolutely radiant!
hi to all of you,
Brittney Harper had her baby on August 17 @ 11.30 pm .. she and her baby and the Father are doing fine... the Father seems more stressed than the other two.
He was 7 lbs 15 oz and 21 1/2 inches long with brown hair.. I will post more pictures on my blog.

Congratulations to the Harper family and the Baugh family! Welcome to the world Traedan, you have been long awaited and are loved and cherished.
Traedan is named after both his grandpa's Tracey and Dan, cool, huh? is where you can look for new photos when they are posted.

August 18, 2006

Lighten Up & have fun!

This is for anyone who thinks their family is really weird and need to get a new life or just lighten up. I love it!

August 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Luke!

Luke will be 6 years old on August 30 and start school the week before.
Here is a cute picture I sent him with his birthday card. I didn't want him to be disappointed with just a card and wanted him to know what the check was for. When I asked how he like the picture I sent he said, "There's just one thing wrong, Grandma. I have red hair." I laughed and then told him it wasn't his hair but a helment. He got a good chuckled out of his mistake too!

He and his Mom went shopping and picked out a great bike and helment (before his real birthday celebration) so he would be ready to ride it to and from school.
Sally sent this photo of Luke on his new bike from Grandma and Grandpa. Isn't he just the cutest!

August 15, 2006

Keeping myself busy

Yes, I have been keeping myself busy so I don't worry about when the house sells. I made some fleece hats. I'm planning to send them to the LDS Church Humanitarian Center. But before I do I thought I'd offer them to family and friends first. If you see one you like just say the word and I'll send it to you. I am planning to work on my Halloween costume next. Send me your news and I'll post it for the family to read since not much is happeniong here in Snellville.

August 12, 2006

Jeff Cornwall & Shanise Titus

If you are living in Utah there is a great event happening August 19th, 2006 @ Earley Park in Beaver Dam, Utah. Jeff & Shanise are getting married at 7:00 pm.

The day before the wedding ( August 18 at 6:00 pm) family & friends are invited to a pot luck wedding dinner at the Tremonton 3rd Ward building.

If you can't make it to the wedding, you can see them again on the 25th of August in Payson for a reception at 6:30-8:30 pm.
Congratulation Jeff and Shansie!

August 11, 2006

Luke with 1 tooth missing

Luke has had a sore on his gum for the past week that wasn't getting better. I took him to the dentist today and it is an absess, so they pulled out his tooth. He was very worried, but he liked the little car they gave him. He said it hurt when he stuck the needle in his gum. So now Luke will have a hole for a while because the bottom teeth need to go first. I think it looks pretty cute! Love, Sally