July 27, 2022

Granddaughters and craft days.

We had 2 craft days so far this year.


Made for my friend Vickie

 Memory bears made from Glen Bodily's shirts. Vickie wanted a bear for each of her children and spouses and her 2 grandsons and her twin great-grand daughters. Big project but I really enjoyed making them. My creative side loved the different ways I could use the fabric.

January 24, 2022

Memory bears & more

 Things I made for the Byrnes family. There son died.

September 27, 2020

New Couple Tradition

 Hello Family

We really miss seeing you and hearing from you. So. We have decided to send you a weekly positive thought to let you know we are thinking about you. We love you very much. Pat and Rick, Gpa and Gma,  Mom and Dad